Aiming at second order delayed process model, a new PID controller tuning parameters method based on direct synthesis approach is proposed in the paper. 针对二阶时滞过程模型,采用直接综合方法设计了PID控制器的三个参数。
Multi-objective Optimization and Multi-attribute Decision Making for Controller Parameters Tuning of Ship's Diesel 船舶柴油机调速器参数整定的多目标优化和多属性决策研究
Controller Parameter Tuning Method Based on Immune Theory 基于免疫原理的控制器参数整定方法
PID controller parameters tuning for marine boiler by multiobjective optimization 船舶锅炉水位PID控制器参数多目标优化整定
By the empirical methods are two of the PID controller parameters tuning. 采用经验方法分别对上述两个PID控制器参数进行整定。
In this paper, internal model control ( IMC) system structure is adopted for second order non minimum phase processes and controller tuning method is presented based on gain and phase margin. 针对一类自衡二阶非最小相位过程,采用内模控制系统结构,使系统具有良好的抗扰性和鲁棒性。给出了在希望的幅值和相角裕量下控制器参数的计算方法。
A simple and efficient PI controller tuning method for large dead-time processes is presented. 提出一种简单而有效的大滞后过程PI控制器整定方法。
PID Controller Tuning for Multivariable System Based on H_ ∞ Control 基于H∞控制的多变量系统PID参数整定
For multivariable state feedback control systems, optimal parameters of controller tuning can be determined by Model Reference Approach, featuring ease of handling. 本文提出了一种计算多变量状态控制系统调节器最佳参数的方法&参考模型法。
PID Controller Tuning Based on Relay-feedback Test 基于继电反馈的PID控制器的参数整定
Determination of Optimal Parameters for Controller Tuning by Model Reference Approach 计算调节器最佳参数的参考模型法
Fractional-order Controller Tuning Based on Genetic Algorithm 基于遗传算法的分数阶控制器参数整定研究
The internal mode compensation controller is designed for the delay performance of TCP network system. The controller tuning method is presented based on the gain and phase margin. 本文针对TCP网络系统的时滞特性,设计基于内模补偿控制器,提出了基于幅值与相位稳定裕度的控制参数整定方法。
PI controller tuning for large dead-time processes 大滞后过程的PI控制器整定
Based on the Presentation of the system configuration of μ XL and from the angle of educational experiment the applications of μ XL control system in process modelling, controller parameter tuning and composing dedicated control systems are described accordingly. 在简单介绍了μXL系统基本组成的基础上,从教学实验的角度,分别叙述了μXL控制设备在过程建模、控制器参数整定和组织专门控制系统等方面的应用。
A method of fractional-order PI~ λ D~ β controller tuning based on revised GA is presented. 提出了基于改进遗传算法的分数阶PIλDβ控制器定阶次参数整定的方法。
PID controller tuning method for improving performance 改善性能的PID控制器校正方法
Traditional PI controller tuning formulae can not be easily adapted to specific system requirements. 传统的PI(proportional-integral)控制器整定公式不能灵活地适应具体控制系统特定的性能要求。
Study on the Simulation of PID Controller Parameters Tuning Algorithm in a Simple Loop 单回路PID控制系统参数整定算法的仿真研究
By proposing the desired closed-loop transfer function, the PID controller form was analytically derived. Meanwhile the achievable control performance and robust stability of the closed-loop control system were analyzed, and therefore the controller parameter tuning rule was provided. 通过提出期望闭环传递函数,解析地推导出PID控制器的形式,同时分析了闭环控制系统所能达到的控制性能和鲁棒稳定性,由此给出了控制器参数的调节规则。
Controller Tuning and Testing including Stability and Robustness Analysis. Both trace the reference of input well and have good stability and robustness. 对控制器的调试和测试(包括对控制器的稳定性和鲁棒性的分析)。
Revised GA is applied to fractional-order PI~ λ D~ β controller and integer-order PID controller tuning for the control of a fractional-order system and a integer-order system respectively. 通过使用该遗传算法,分别进行了采用整数阶PID控制器和分数阶PIλDβ控制器,对整数阶和分数阶系统的控制器参数整定的对比仿真。
Dynamic performance of the process of identification and PID controller tuning method of parameters can be achieved combining the self-tuning PID controller. 将过程动态性能的确定和PID控制器参数的整定方法结合起来就可实现PID控制器的自整定。
Confirm the existence of oscillations in the control loop, and the exclusion of control valve nonlinear factors cases, this method can distinguish the model-plant mismatch, the controller tuning problem and unmeasured periodic disturbance. 在检测确认系统存在振荡、并排除控制阀非线性因素的情况下,用该方法能区分模型对象失配、控制器过调和不可测周期性扰动的影响。
Meanwhile, cross-correlation analysis for the model-plant mismatch detection can be applied. 4. For further discriminating between model-plant mismatch and controller tuning problem, the paper also proposed a sensitivity function diagnostic approach which is based on fast sampling identification technology. 为进一步区分模型对象失配和控制器过调对系统性能带来的影响,提出了一种基于快采样辨识技术的灵敏度函数分析方法。
Because of some faults such as poor controller tuning in control-loops, control valve stiction, process nonlinearity, poor process and control system design, external input disturbance and other reasons, the plant-wide oscillations occur regularly in process industries. 过程工业中由于控制回路参数调校不当,阀门粘滞,过程非线性,控制系统设计低劣,外部输入干扰等原因,往往导致了整个过程系统的厂级范围大规模的振荡。
With some typical test functions and the PID controller parameter tuning problem of the ABS control system, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified. 通过对典型测试函数寻优以及电动汽车防抱死控制系统的PID控制器参数优化整定的实验,验证了该算法的有效性。
According to the limitation problem of the PID controller parameters tuning, an improved fuzzy adaptive PID controller is designed, which achieve a good simulation result. 针对PID控制器参数整定问题的局限性,设计了改进的模糊自适应PID控制器,达到了很好的仿真效果。
Pole-placement was adopted as the controller gains tuning method in design of PI controller parameters. 并给出了基于极点配置的PI控制器参数设计方法。
Second, using analog exercise control of the driver behavior model of single neuron, sets up an auto direction of single neuron self-adaptive PID controller, and achieves control parameters of the traditional auto direction PID controller tuning online. 然后采用模拟驾驶员运动控制行为的单神经元模型,建立了汽车方向的单神经元自适应PID控制器,实现了传统汽车方向PID控制器的控制参数在线整定。